Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Magic Bullet?

Recently I have been asked by two very wise people to review a product/program for them as it relates to offering assistance to struggling readers.  I will do what I have been asked but I do not believe there has been or will ever be a program/product created that fits the needs and serves as the "magic bullet" for reading.  I DO however believe we have a strategy necessary for cleaning up the problem of struggling readers and that is effective teachers.  I so believe it is the teacher working with a child on the individual needs of that child that will break the cycle of poor reading.  We have phenomenal assessments to ascertain the problems or gaps children have in their reading skills and strategies.  It takes someone who is skilled in applying the correct strategies and skills and teaching the child to use those when reading.
I was not a proponent of "Reading First' as my criticism was that if any teacher or school would allocate the significant time necessary to teach reading and intervene with appropriate strategies, then children would learn to read and succeed.  Reading First just caused districts to hold teachers accountable to using effective strategies with children for a great amount of time and the success was in the practice not the program.
The same for "Reading Recovery" - one teacher applying the very best strategies for a child and allowing the child significant opportunities to apply and benefit from the tutorial of a skilled teacher.
I have never been and will never be in agreement with computer based turoring that takes the teacher out of the formula.  Children should not be asked to learn without a teacher present to observe and offer the feedback and wisdom necesary for good pedagogy to take place.
So, you may ask, what do your propose?  I recommend we offer professional development to teachers related to effective assessment, teach them how to use the assessments given to drive their instruction, and then arm them with the most effective strateiges and research on the craft of teaching reading.  Provide these teachers will constant coaching and feedback to empower them to do their best while teaching reading and allow the work to happen over time.  Students have struggled with reading because they haven't been taught.  All children need to be able to be the best readers they can be by third grade.  Children in Kindergarten through third grade should focus on reading, writing, and mathematical thinking ONLY.  All other contents should be taught in the context of reading, writing, and mathematical thinking. 

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